Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Power of College Admissions Data is Now at Your Fingertips

Everyone considers college admissions to be a black box. To crack the secret formula that will get you admitted to notoriously selective schools, such as Harvard and Stanford, is today’s holy grail for ultra-competitive applicants. Has anyone gotten close?Well, there are some resources that calculate your admission chances based on your grades and test scores. (Naviance, for example, shows you how your GPA and SAT stack up against other students’.) Others match you with potential schools based on your stats or your preferences. Before , evaluating the strength of your application was limited. Your candidacy was boiled down to your numbers. But you’re so much more than the sum of your numbers.At , we see the value of evaluating an application in its entirety. Plenty of students get perfect scores and don’t get into top schools. Plenty of students fall below the median scores but are admitted on other qualifications. We came up with a holistic way to take the soft elements of your application into account. With our data insights, you can now discover potential target, safety and reach schools. You can compare schools: if a student is accepted to both USC and UCLA, which one do more people choose to attend? We even provide the traditional GPA vs. SAT/ACT scatterplot you know so well. But we’ve revamped it. Now, you can toggle between those accepted, rejected and waitlisted. Better yet, you can even view the actual profiles of the students who fall into each category. With all this data now at your fingertips, you can analyze admissions trends to your heart’s desire. Have you ever felt so powerful? We’re so excited to share this new feature with you and hope you have fun with it. Making more informed decisions about college has never been this easy.